Steve Silverton Psychotherapy Hero Image


Reaching out for help isn’t always easy. It sometimes takes courage to be vulnerable. Perhaps your suffering is one you can easily name and define - depression, anxiety, relationship problems - or something less tangible? Whatever it is, my experience tells me that speaking about it, feeling into it and finding words for it, in the presence of a therapist who is on your side, wishing to promote your flourishing, can be helpful.

If suffering is to a certain extent an inevitable component of every human life- hopefully amongst and alongside some joy, some contentment - then what makes the difference is how we are with it. Can we bring acceptance and self-compassion to what cannot be changed? Make creative changes that move our lives in the right direction for ourselves?


Psychotherapy can be defined as attending to or healing (from the Greek ‘therapia’) the soul (‘psyche’). Of course, the word 'soul' need not be understood in a religious sense here. In our fast, inattentive culture, a place for slow, careful and attentive listening is all the more valuable and needed. When we are struggling or lost, a welcoming presence and a listening ear can make a great difference. Something worthwhile can and usually does unfold from that.

So, psychotherapy as I try to practice it is a path back to re-connection and relationship - to ourselves, to others, to nature, to the soul/ life force. Core Process Psychotherapy combines a mindful attention to self and to relationship with an understanding of how the past may have contributed to our more defensive ways of relating to self and world. These ways of being and relating are embodied now - in speech, in body, in mind. By bringing awareness to them, we have the capacity to create space and compassion around what might feel stuck. This opens up possibility: for living in more creative ways, for accepting ourselves, for relating more skilfully and with greater connectedness to others.

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I am a UKCP registered supervisor and offer supervision to psychotherapists and counsellors in Stoke Newington, London N16. Sessions by Skype/ Facetime/Zoom etc are also possible.

I have worked as a supervisor since 2009 and over that time I have supervised counsellors and therapists working in a variety of therapeutic modalities, for Mind, on various counselling and therapy courses and in private practice, both 1:1 and in groups.

I support a pluralistic view of psychotherapy which is non-dogmatic and respectful of different working modalities.

Please call or email for more details.

About Me

I have been practicing as a therapist for around 25 years and in that time have worked with all kinds of people, bringing all kinds of issues. I work in private practice as a psychotherapist and supervisor. I also work for the mental health charity Mind, supervising groups of counsellors.

I believe that the core of therapeutic work is always about being present, responsive and alive to what is unfolding in you, the client.

My main training was in Core Process Psychotherapy at the Karuna Institute. I have also trained in Focusing and working with the arts in therapy. Rather than applying techniques in an impersonal way though, I’ll listen and work with you to help you to find the best way forward for yourself as an individual in your unique life situation.

Steve Silverton Headhot


MA in Core Process Psychotherapy (Karuna Institute, 2002)

Certificate In Creativity And Imagination (Institute For The Arts In Therapy And Education, 2005)

Diploma in Supervision (Karuna Institute, 2009)

Certificate in Creative Writing For Therapeutic Purposes (Metanoia, 2019)

UKCP Registered Psychotherapist since 2003

UKCP Registered Supervisor

Sessions & Fees

Sessions are 50 minutes, usually at the same time every week.

Sessions may be in-person (this is preferable) or by Zoom.

My standard fees are £75 per session.

Please call or email if you are interested and would like to arrange an initial consultation.

My Location

I’m based in Stoke Newington/Stamford Hill - N16 6LP.

I'm available to meet for sessions in person (this is preferable), and also offer sessions by Zoom.

Please get in touch if you have any questions.

Get In Touch

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how therapy works, or to arrange an initial assessment appointment. This enables us to discuss the reasons you are thinking of coming to therapy, whether it could be helpful for you and whether I am the right therapist to help.

You can also call me on 07791519844 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first. I am happy to discuss any queries or questions you may have prior to arranging an initial appointment.

All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential.